Dimentional Convergence w/ Structurals

live sets, media art



Venue: at La Corne à Vin, invited by La Bâtie Festival
Date: 01/09/2022
Type: audio-visual, multichannel, ableton, voice, 360



« After losing consciousness, you wake up in a very dark place, in which only a few faint lights pierce the ambient darkness. Disoriented, you look for visual and sound references and little by little begin to discern, first shadows, then shapes and silhouettes.

Then you perceive sounds and images, as if the immediate universe was slowly being reconstructed before you. This is the experience imagined by Geneva-based musician Owelle and the duo Structurals, winners of this year’s call for music projects at La Bâtie. Altered reality, sensory disruption and modification of spatial perception lie at the heart of this ambitious project designed by the young artists.


Arriving in almost complete darkness, the audience sits around a central island occupied by the performers who build the show thanks to a 360-degree immersive installation. Images, sounds and lights slowly take shape, moving and revealing to the audience the underground reality that surrounds them: the cellars of Corne à Vin. In this project, the place lies at the origin of the creation. Owelle immerses herself in the site, seeks to extract its substance and express it with her vision, using loudspeakers and projectors.


From complete darkness to bedazzlement, from total silence to sound saturation, the journey builds to a crescendo and the road is revealed.»

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